East Baton Rouge Mortgage Finance Authority Announces New Name, Brand Mark & Expanded Services
May 14, 2015

Baton Rouge, La.—May 12, 2015—East Baton Rouge Mortgage Finance Authority (EBRMFA) reveals new name, Capital Area Finance Authority (CAFA), and brand mark along with its expansion of service offerings and broadened geographic area today.
Over the years, the East Baton Rouge Mortgage Finance Authority has had a direct hand in building communities. As a result, the new logo and brand redesign reflects the Authority’s growth from its humble beginnings to its current role as a major lender in nine parishes across the Capital Area. The new mark also represents CAFA’s geographical expansion into the nine-parish region of Greater Baton Rouge as well as its new project financing capabilities which include healthcare, correctional, educational, water generating facilities, mass transit and parking facilities, cultural and civic facilities, community development and redevelopment financing, power generating facilities, industrial development financing, airport and water facilities and manufacturing facilities.
“Our new brand name and mark more accurately represent who we are as an organization,” said Chair of the Board Cheri Ausberry. “More importantly, they reflect the expansion of our service offerings and capabilities as we continue to serve as a nationally recognized finance authority.”
The new brand symbolizes the diligence and endless commitment CAFA has to its customers, aiming to make moderate-to-low income residents’ dreams of buying a home a reality. It also represents CAFA’s expanded ability to finance commercial projects along with public infrastructure. CAFA will continue to provide loans and down payment assistance to qualifying buyers under its new image.
“Our organization was founded on the premise of building community,” said Executive Director Mike Airhart. “We believe our new brand is an important symbol of our focus on that symbiotic relationship. We’re here to serve the people across our nine parishes in the capital region and to continue to help build thriving communities in our great state.”
The product of an August 1974 Trust Indenture, CAFA issues bonds and uses the proceeds to provide financing for housing conducted in the public interest within the boundaries of its nine designated parishes including East and West Baton Rouge, Pointe Coupee, East and West Feliciana, Iberville, Ascension, Livingston and St. Helena. Since 1979, the Authority has issued $1.3 billion in single-family revenue bonds, which ranks CAFA fourth nationally in volume of bonds issued and second nationally in number of issues completed in comparison to other parish or county issuers of single-family bonds.
For questions or any other inquiries, please contact Mike Airhart at 225-771-8567 or visit thecafa.org.